Whilst browsing supermarket websites to discover which had the best deals going, stumbled upon an old favourite. Vice Versa's are back!! A delicious sweet similar to a minstrel but rounder and a little chunkier. These delights are white and black, the white shell contains a milk chocolate centre and the dark white. Nestle re-released due to popular demand and are set for general release next month, currently only aware of Asda and strangely Toys R Us stocking them.
Crispy chocolate astros in a medley of colours. A firm favourite due to a combined love of chocolate and interest in space. They had a sugar shell and inside was a ball a bit like a malteser but more crispy- this was coated in chocolate. Whilst on a primary school farm trip, won a box of these for correctly guessing the number of bales in the fileld. Day equally memorable due to teacher who stupidly donned her inches high bright yellow wedges. A hilarious sight it was for the whole class of ten yearolds to see her attempts at walking, dodging cowpats and to see her fall over- charming!