I do love a good curry. You can get a bit overwhelmed going into the supermarket and being met with such a wide variety of choices. Be these brands or varieties, you can go Indian, Chinese, Thai or Caribbean the shelves stock them all! My own tastes, when it comes to curry are that I like them quite spicy but not taste bud numbingly so. Much prefer tomato based curries, lighter type sauces and those with a-lot of onion and aromats. Find that I often need to add extra spices to curries as they can be a little bland from the jar. In this post I'll share some of my favourites. Only issue with supermarket available sauces is how oily they can be.
Loyd Grossman Dopiaza Curry Sauce
His brand, that has his name as its seal of approval. Lloyd Grossman has a range of Italian, Indian and Thai sauces available and sold in most supermarkets. His Dopiaza curry sauce is probably my favourite. It is a delicious, light sauce that is full of flavour. It is quite subtle, meaning that you can appreciate individual spices and flavours. It is not terribly thick and it is especially delicious for being so abundant in onion, these also give it a nice texture.